Participate in the Sustainability Case Competition

Do you want to help MT Højgaard make the construction industry more sustainable and contribute to a greener future?

And do you want to get a head-start on your career within sustainability consulting? Then this is the case competition for you!

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Get hands-on experience with a sustainability challenge

In the Sustainability Case Competition, you will get hands-on experience with solving problems, that can make the future of construction industry more climate friendly.

Climate change is happening all over the world, and as the world around us changes, so does our way of living. We are at a defining moment in time, as our impact on the planet can no longer be ignored. This is why Djøf, Valcon and MT Højgaard have teamed up to host this case competition. We want to offer students the opportunity to get hands-on experience with a sustainability business case and inspire to work for a greener future.

Collaborate to succeed

Together with other students, you will get to work on a real-life sustainability challenge that MT Højgaard is facing today. Throughout the competition you will be interacting with Valcon consultants and get introduced to some of Valcon’s consulting methods. By combining Valcon’s consulting methods and your own academic background, you will collaborate with your group and come up with your results on the given case and present them to a jury consisting of representatives from Djøf, Valcon and MT Højgaard.

Based on each group evaluation, the jury will determine the winning group.

What you need to know

Get all the information you need to register and participate.