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Doing Business In

Join Djøf’s annual case competition and study trip, if you are up for a fun business challenge abroad with Novonesis and Bain & Company.

Glade studerende foran tempel

What is 'Doing Business In' all about?

Doing Business In is Djøf’s annual case competition, and it is all about a once in lifetime experience to travel to a foreign country, together with other students and representatives from Novonesis and Bain & Company.

For this case competition we will handpick 20 students from Danish universities, who are up for a fun 10 days study trip with an array of unique experiences. As a participant you will get to solve a complex real-life business case for Novonesis – in another country! We change the destination every year. You will be solving the case in groups with students from different disciplines and gain tools and consulting methods provided by Bain & Company.

Throughout the case competition, you will also be exposed to macro-economic tendencies and industries through local company visits as well as see how it is to work abroad. By the end of the competition, all groups must present their results to a jury, consisting of representatives from Djøf, Novonesis and Bain & Company, who will then decide who are going to win.

What you need to know

See the practicalities to join the case competition 'Doing Business In'.

Join the Organizing team in 2025

Do you have any questions?

Should you have any questions about the application process, whether you are eligible to apply to Doing Business In or other, please get in touch with Hong Nhi Nguyen at