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Company and Commercial Contract Drafting

Get professional guidance on drafting contracts in English.

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4.550 kr. ekskl. moms for medlemmer
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1 dag


Er kurset for dig?

This course is for lawyers or in-house counsel who deal regularly with agreements in English and for government lawyers who work on cross border agreements.

Du lærer at

  • useful tips on contract-drafting in English and risks to be avoided
  • the differences between the common law and Danish systems of contract law and the implications for contract-drafting.

Det får din arbejdsplads

Your workplace will gain an employee who:

  • can draft company and commercial contracts in English
  • knows both common low and Danish contract law.

Kursets indhold og forløb

This course will offer you guidance on drafting contracts in English and on general issues, like differences between the common law and Danish systems of contract law and the implications for contract-drafting.

General issuses and key clauses

You get an introduction to both the general legal issues and if time permitting also key clauses from specific contract

Part 1. General issues:

  • Differences between Danish and common law contract systems and their implications
  • Drafting techniques. Economy of language and avoiding “legalese”
  • Representations and warranties, conditions, indemnities and guarantees
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Limiting and excluding liability; caps
  • Direct and indirect damages
  • Drafting termination clauses
  • Liquidated damages clauses and penalties
  • Boiler plate provisions e.g. force majeure clauses, whole agreement clauses, severance clauses
  • Dispute resolution.

Part 2.  Key clauses from specific contracts:

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • IP Licences  
  • Joint Ventures
  • M & A Sale and Purchase Agreements
  • Agency and Distributorship Agreements
  • Financial Contracts and documentation.

Hvem møder du?

David Fletcher

Solicitor, London

Kursets form

The course materials include notes, contract-drafting exercises, a bank of sample contract clauses, a glossary of English contract law terminology, a summary of differences between English and Danish contract law and useful websites and addresses.

The course translates to 8 lessons in relation to the mandatory education for lawyers and Assistant Attorney.

In co-operation with The Association of Danish Law Firms (Danske Advokater).

Gratis Læringsworkshop

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På workshoppen ’100% læring’ får du metoder til at øge dit læringsudbytte før, under og efter dit kursus. Du kan også supplere workshoppen med vores gratis onlinelæringskursus på Djøfs læringsportal.

Det er Djøfs bidrag til at øge din læring, så du og din arbejdsplads får et markant større udbytte af dit kursus.

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