

Get feedback on your CV and cover letter

Have someone look over your CV and cover letter and give you feedback. One of Djøf’s membership benefits is our application-review service.

Application review service

One of the membership benefits Djøf offers is an application-review service. Before you apply, you can send us your CV and cover letter and we will get back to you with advice for how it can be improved. The goal is to make you better prepared for your further job search process, by enabling you to write better and more targeted applications.

Before the feedback session make sure to do the following:

Book a feed back session by sending an email and we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule the feedback session.

E-mail us the following:

  • a link to the job ad
  • your CV
  • your cover letter

Please note that this is a membership benefit. In case you are not a member of Djøf, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.