

Apply for graduate jobs

If you have recently graduated or you are soon to be, you can apply for a graduate program. Learn how to find and apply for vacant graduate positions in Denmark.

Have you just graduated or are you finishing your studies soon, then a graduate position might be a good way to kick-start your career. 
In a graduate program, you will be working in different functions within the organization, in order for you to acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills. The company evaluates your personal and professional qualities on a continuous basis. 

Over 100 graduate programs – your career start

More than 50 companies in Denmark offer graduate programs. Some of the companies offer more than one position each year, adding up to more than 100 graduate positions during the year.

Find a graduate job

On Jobunivers you will find a list of the companies offering graduate programs as well as the open positions. 

How do I apply for a graduate program

See the video in order to learn how to apply for graduate programs.

Pia Ravn Dyhr, senior consultant, gives you advice on your application for graduate positions. 

Graduate programs

See graduate programs from companies in Denmark. The content is a mix between Danish and English on the site Jobunivers.

  • Good grades are important. The employer will usually select candidates with strong analytical skills and with grades average the top 20 performers of the year 
  • You have to be a strong team player
  • You have to be ambitious, but not a loner
  • You have to have international experience from your studies
  • You have to have a relevant student job
  • The majority of the positions are within the private sector
  • You will get a mentor or a “buddy”, whom you can consult during the graduate period
  • Top performer, ie. Good results in the exams: Delivery of high quality under pressure
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Business understanding
  • Global orientation
  • Team player
  • Ambitious 
  • Curious
  • Innovative and creative
  • Quick learner
  • Proficient in English

Recruiting process

When you apply for a graduate position, you are likely to experience a quite extensive recruitment process. Not all processes are alike, still the companies are very interested in getting to know you as well as possible and find out how you deliver results.

The companies are not interested in making you fail or feel uncomfortable. The extensive process is merely a way of finding the right match.

Hiring process

  • In depth knowledge about the graduate positions. Eg. You can participate in career events og do research
  • Send your application and CV to the company 
  • Invitation for 1st  interview, which typically takes half an hour 
  • Invitation to assessment center or 2nd interview
  • Signing the contract for the graduate job

What is an Assessment Center

A typical recruiting method for graduate positions is to arrange an assessment center: A day where a company invites candidates to visit the premises and then subsequently assess their performance on different parameters.

It is likely that you will be asked to do an IQ-test, a personality test or a proficiency test. Either prior to the assessment day or during. You can also participate in teamwork assessment. Here you will be asked to solve a task together with other candidates and there will be observers present, who will focus on how you interact in a team. 

Companies are curious to see how you solve tasks and perform in a business context, which can be difficult to decode in an ordinary interview. You have to focus on being honest and to be the best version of yourself – play along. Several companies use the assessment center to give you realistic tasks, in order to challenge you before getting the position.


Do research frequently during your studies

We recommend that you start applying for positions 6 months before you hand in your master’s thesis. When you begin your master, you can make a short list of your companies of choice. Do frequent research on these companies. 

It is important that you know, when they are hiring graduates, since this varies over the year. Some companies invite students for a visit. These types of events will be posted via LinkedIn or Facebook, where you also can follow the companies. 

You are likely to meet companies that hold graduate positions at your university during your masters. The career center at your university organizes company visits and career fairs. The fairs are typically in the middle of March and both fairs and company visits will be announced by the career.

On these occasions, you can get valuable information and insight into a company. Try to ask the company what they value the most in a candidate, what the company culture is like, what future tasks they need solving and how you can stand out in your application.  

Most graduate programs are international and candidates from all around the globe can apply for the positions. This also allows you to apply for graduate jobs outside Denmark, if you have a dream of moving to another country.

Companies wish to hire students, who are recently qualified in an international field and who have high level of English proficiency. Speaking a third language is often an advantage. The majority of graduate programs that we examined have their base in Denmark and then have foreign assignments during the program

Get advice on graduate positions 

When you are ready to apply for a graduate program, you have the possibility of getting professional counselling through Djøf. You can get:

  • Feedback on CV and application 
  • Communication training for your interviews
  • General guidance 
  • Templates and examples of CVs and applications 
  • Job seeking courses 
  • LinkedIn workshop